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Using your human design Profile Lines to establish your authority style in your personal brand

I wanna talk about standing out based on your own vibes, rather than what you think will get you attention. Because the two are VERY different. Especially in the age of algorithms burying content and making you think you need to completely change who you are and what you're doing to make it work.

In case you need to hear this today - your content isn't the issue. So unsubscribe to anyone telling you that's the problem.

When it comes to understanding what our ideal clients/community/peeps want from us in our content and personal brands, it's a good idea to look at our human design profile lines.

Not only do our profile lines confirm to us the best way we can look at ourselves, they also tell us how other's see us - which is perfect if you're trying to figure out what your authority or expert vibe actually is, and how that can benefit people when you really own it.


So let's look at your Profile Lines briefly below:


1 profile - you're the investigator. The google scroller, the course enthusiast. You love knowing your details and creating a really fab framework for people to build on. That's what people want from you, too.

2 profile - you're the natural genius, babe. You don't know how you know what you know, you just know. You know? So don't ever EVER let yourself get stuck in this idea that you need to somehow prove things with qualifications or whatever else. You don't need another course, you need alone time to let what you already know manifest into ideas and words for you to communicate.

3 profile - you're my lil Dora the Explorer. You've done ALOT of trying, failing and all the inbetweens in your life - and that isn't going to stop any time soon. You've got a lot of lived experience that is incredible for people to learn from and take nuggets of info from to apply to their own life. So stop thinking you're fucking up and seeing it like you're gaining a ton of magic to share down the line.

4 profile - I call you the LinkedIn of the profiles because the people around you are such a key component to your own success. You know who's right for you and who isn't, so be ruthless in your curation of your circle. That feeling of know what's right for you and what isn't is like a spidey sense across so much in your life, so let yourself use it.

5 profile - you're like the mama bear of the profiles. You've got that energy that people sense will help them in some way. Even if you think the way you do it isn't quite right, it doesn't matter. You've got solutions for people and that's an incredible thing. Just make sure you trust your strategy & authority to give them to people otherwise you turn into the people pleaser - and that isn't your problem to have.

6 profile - hey queens! we've got so much to offer from our trial and error phase in the first 30 years, and it's important for you to really own that wisdom that came to you as a result. You're not supposed to be relatable, so much as you're here to inspire people by how you do things. Don't give people the textbook answer, give them your OWN process.

How do you feel your human design profile lines can work with your ideas and brand niche in general? I'd love you to join us in Rise so we can discuss and apply it to you specifically even further!

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