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"I need to pay my mortgage, I need to feed my babies. A 9-5 isn't my life path, it can't be. Surely is can be easier than this?"

Sound familiar?

Wanna know exactly how you're going to Rise and create the biz you've always dreamed of - but didn't know how it would look?

Watch me explain it below!

Whether you realise it or not, you're already a personal brand.


Everything you say and do is showing the world who you are. The question you need to ask yourself is, how can I LEVERAGE THAT BRAND to create a sustainable business that works with my life and family?




The all-in-one Netflix meets community for mums who know they're more than their ability to raise their babies. Who want something for themselves that they feel proud of, and can show their family what is possible for them, too, down the line.

Build a strong personal brand that gets you SEEN, PAID & TRUSTED by your own dream clients - whether you've got ideas for one currently or not. RISE will help you to create it all.


Psst, you don't need to pay thousands for it either.

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Access on demand to all resources & content within the roadmap
x1 monthly live call with Maria

Private Slack channel for peer-to-peer support & feedback with other mamas all on

the same journey as you

"This is gonna sound funny, but I honestly feel like the thing I’ve always been looking for - but couldn’t find elsewhere - is you. You’re enabling me to pave my own path and do it my way."

Hannah S

Mobile Web Design


I´m so glad you asked,
let´s break it down...

Monthly live call for support with Brand Identity Strategist - and your new bestie - Maria Tate. Private Slack channel for that village you were always promised in motherhood but never got PLUS all of the resources you need to answer the KEY questions that will help you leverage your personal brand and give people a reason to PAY you for it.


To turn your ideas into something tangible without questioning your intuition over it

To be seen as someone who knows what she wants, needs and values - and goes after that

To build an online business that supports your life and other commitments

To answer the biggest question of all - who am I and what is my purpose?

You want to prioritise your needs and values, so making decisions like starting a totally new biz feels achievable


Too much information and can't quite figure out what comes first, or if it's even right for you

Feeling like you're just lost and can't figure out where to go from here to start anything new

You don't have a clue what your business could be about, or maybe you've been trying to create it for a while with little success

You know you're meant for more, it's just hard trying to figure out what that 'more' looks like.

You don't always know how to prioritise yourself, or create the time you need to focus on things you want



I´m Maria, and I'm so glad you're here beaut.

I wanted a business of my own for the longest time.

But I wanted it on my own terms. I didn't want to work hard for the sake of it, so when I discovered my human design + opportunities starting popping up for me,

I knew I had to listen to that little voice saying 'just do it'.

I've been registered as self employed in my business for 3 years now. Throughout that time I've seen incredible success, and lows that cost me thousands in revenue and numerous baptisms of fire. I've pivoted, I've put myself out there & I've grown A LOT. But throughout all of that, I've had that vision in my mind of how I want my life to look. To feel.


That vision hasn't always been crystal clear, but every day I do one thing that brings me closer to figuring it out and seeing it manifest in my reality. Not through fluffy stuff like thinking high vibe thoughts. Through identifying what's holding me back, making little changes and prioritising myself every day to take action. Even if it scares me. Even if it feels like no one cares.


Because no one else is gonna do it for me.


And trust me, I've learned everything as I go along. Every training and program inside Rise is there because I needed it for myself and I found results through it. It feels like we need 100 different courses & coaches as a solopreneur, but Rise is here to be that one-stop-shop for you. Because I don't think you should have to pay thousands to have someone see your potential (and self sabotage) and mirror it back to you when you need it.


Because I care. And I care about you being able to do the same.

I can't wait to help you Rise to that CEO energy you're craving & start showing up loud and proud in your own way.

Maria Tate


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"I love it [Rise]. I can be myself. I love that I have direct access to you to
ask questions. I absolutely love all of the content in there, and I love the calls and the theme each month.

I think for me… actual business excites me! Like I obviously love my actual job of coaching people to get fit and feel amazing but I also love building an actual business. And I’m not scared of being seen. I want to be seen. I want my voice heard… it’s just figuring out what I’m actually meant to say. How to say it etc and then building a business that feels good to me and my life. And marketing to feel fun and easy type thing. That's what I get from Rise.


Dive in. Prioritise the time. Ask questions. Be kind but unapologetic. Be daring. Have fun. Loosen up. Realise it's not that serious and you can do and be whatever feels good for you - whilst building a solid framework to support you in that.

The only thing worse than failing, is not fucking trying. Embody this.

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  • Rise

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    • Access to ALL programs and resources on demand
    • Private channel for peer-to-peer support each week
    • x1 live hot seat coaching call with Maria each month
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