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Pivoting your online business. Step 2: Craft your personal brand messaging from your human design

So far this month I've been talking about getting paid for being ourselves, and pivoting the crappy bits of our business to feel more like ‘wow, this is exactly what I became an entrepreneur for!!’


So now I wanna touch on our personal brand message. 


HOW we share that impact with people and stand out from others in our niche.


Not just in the copy sense, but in how we express that and let people in to see the real us and our life experiences and how all of that very naturally has wanted to start impacting our businesses.


Let me give you an example of my own.


My ‘core message' within my design is this:


I help people take the chaos they currently feel, and create clarity with really simple and creative solutions. I help people make it all feel so fucking obvious like, why have I not been doing that this whole time?!


So you can see how that works with what I do right now. I help people understand who they are - something that can feel really chaotic in your mind when you're spiralling and overthinking every little detail. It works so well with human design because it's clarity around the info and how you can USE that information instead of just feeling like you've had a reading and it's like ‘right, what now?’.


It's also chaos around having this vision or multiple ideas, and trying to make them fit together or make sense. That's a superpower I have - organising the shit out of your ideas and helping you decide which ones are right for you to take action on first - all because they lead back to your core values. Now you can go find yours, look to your Mercury placement in your design.


What works so well with this is the thing that makes me stand out from others:


I've always had this feeling of what was right for me to be doing. What's worth ‘working hard’ at, and what can be changed or let go. Just because society says we should be working, living or running a biz in one way, DOES NOT mean I'm gonna subscribe to it. That conviction I have to live my life to the most unrealistic dreams is what gets my ass up and moving in the morning, I swear to god. And sharing that with other women to share their vision and take action on it?! 


My whole biz mantra is ‘do you, boo’. Literally run your life and business the way YOU want to. Not the way Instagram guru's are telling you is working today - because we all know it's changing in at least 3 hours time again.




We're covering this and lots more in Rise this month. I'd love to have you if you feel like you're finally ready to start communicating who you are, what makes you so unique and put that into a framework that works for your design and business.

If you wanna join us live on future workshops and have the private channel for support, grab the £99 option. Or if you're cool with on demand and doing it in your own time/space, then £45 is all it costs.

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